2020, Maiatza 26

Arabako bi startup Ledger azeleragailuan hautatuak nazioarteko 16 proiektuen artean

Orvium eta E-Processmed (Smart Consent) arabarrak Ledger Venture Builder nazioarteko programaren bigarren edizioan parte hartuko duten 16 proiektuen artean aukeratu dituzte.

Ledgerreko epaimahaiak, Next Generation Internet ekosistemako 7 adituk osatua, 63 finalisten artean aukeratu zituen Ledgerren bigarren edizioan parte hartuko duten 16 taldeak:

  • Acuratio – Medical diagnostics of rare cancers with privacy-preserving machine learning.
  • Anastasis – Password-less key recovery via multi-factor multi-party authentication.
  • Backme.org – Make content creators, journalists and artist become independent
  • ConDIDI – Full lifecycle decentralized conference participant management
  • DAppNode– Pooled decentralized hardware infrastructure, open to anyone, for hosting a human-centric data-sovereign, private-by-design internet.
  • Distributed Secure Smart Farming Log (DISEMIN) – A digital log of sensor data and human input, controlled by the farmer who decides whom they will share their data with.
  • Eschooltul – Organisational school online platform with Blockchain
  • Gene Coop – Human genomic data cooperative for and by citizens to support health research and responsible and inclusive governance of data.
  • Global Passport Project– Addressing migration processes and human rights abuses through a blockchain-based platform to promote participatory democracy for migrants.
  • Hacking Ecology – Open source systems for environmental quality monitoring and data management.
  • LiV– Web-platform built on blockchain and AI that democratises access to inheritance planning and succession.
  • Open Distributed Environmental Monitoring Platform – Open source low-cost detection of mutagens in food water soil and air.
  • Orvium – Open access publishing platform created for, and by, researchers that returns the benefits of science to society.
  • Smart Consent – A system designed for management of the medical informed consent, improving the communication physician-patient using audiovisual technology and Blockchain security, towards paperless for health management.
  • VeriBio – Blockchain decentralised tracking platform to empower customers and contribute to enhancing trust in the food industry.
  • Vocdoni – Implementation of a universally verifiable voting system based on decentralised identity & focused on UX and accessibility from smartphones.

Hautatutako proiektuek 12 hilabeteko azelerazio-programa baten barruan garatzeko aukera izango dute, eta epe horretan honako hauek eskuratu ahal izango dituzte:

  • Aholkularitza, kanpak, bonu teknologikoak, prestakuntza eta demo days.
  • Ikertzaile aditu egoiliar baten laguntza
  • Merkatura sartzea eta finantzaketan laguntzea
  • Gehienez 200,000 equity free programan

LEDGERi buruz:

Ledger Europako Batzordeak bultzatutako The Next Generation Internet ekimenaren parte da. Ekimen horren bidez, Etorkizunaren Internet ekosistema elkarreragile gisa eratzen da, eta irekiera, inklusioa, gardentasuna, pribatutasuna, lankidetza eta datuen babesa biltzen ditu.

Helburu horrekin, Ledger Gutxieneko Produktu Bideragarriaren programa bat da, garatzaileak, ikertzaileak, diseinatzaileak eta enpresariak teknologia deszentralizatuak erabiltzera bultzatzen dituena, hala nola blockchain, puntuz puntu eta ledger, gizakia ardatz duten irtenbideak eraikitzeko banatua, herritarren datuen gaineko subiranotasuna babesteko.