We help entrepreneurs and companies to kick-start innovative and/or technology-based projects
If you want to create a company and analyse its viability, if you are looking for business growth, or you are a startup, want to incorporate ICTs or are looking for opportunities for internationalisation, this is the place for you.
+ Entrepreneurship in Álava
Grant for creation
Up to 80.000€
Individual promoters with a project to create a new business unit. Alava companies wishing to diversify their activity. Companies or promoters with headquarters outside Alava that implement a center of activity in our Territory. Companies from Alava that are already established and have a maximum age of two years on the date of submission of the application.
Individual promoters with a project to create a new business unit. Alava companies wishing to diversify their activity. Companies or promoters with headquarters outside Alava that implement a center of activity in our Territory. Companies from Alava that are already established and have a maximum age of two years on the date of submission of the application.
+ Grants for the creation and consolidation of companies in Vitoria-Gasteiz
Projects and investments of newly created companies
Up to 8.000€
Private companies: small companies, whatever their legal form, that carry out a lucrative activity located in Vitoria - Gasteiz.
Private companies: small companies, whatever their legal form, that carry out a lucrative activity located in Vitoria - Gasteiz.
+ Ekintzaile: Accompaniment phase
Accompaniment phase
Up to 30.000 €
Private individuals, micro-companies, SMEs and large industrial companies or related services.
Private individuals, micro-companies, SMEs and large industrial companies or related services.
+ Entrepreneurship grant
Entrepreneurship grant
Up to 2.500€
People registered in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
People registered in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
+ Self-Employed Assistance Check
Subsidy for Self-Employed Workers
960 €
Self-employed workers, registered in Vitoria-Gasteiz
Self-employed workers, registered in Vitoria-Gasteiz
+ Hazitek
R&D grant
Up to 500.000€
SMEs and large companies oriented to the use or generation of marketable knowledge.
SMEs and large companies oriented to the use or generation of marketable knowledge.
+ Applied Artificial Intelligence
Grants to promote Artificial Intelligence in companies
Up to 100.000€
Companies, regardless of their size, located in the Basque Country.
Companies, regardless of their size, located in the Basque Country.
+ EIC Accelerator
Grant and/or financing to encourage companies to bring their technological innovations to the market and scale them
Up to €15M
Natural or legal persons, Midcaps, Investors
Natural or legal persons, Midcaps, Investors
+ 64 bis
Grants for tax deduction
Deductions up to 200,000 € in 3 consecutive tax periods
R&D companies that generate tax deductions that they cannot apply, either because they do not generate profits at the moment and therefore do not pay Corporation Tax, or because they generate more tax incentives than they can absorb.
R&D companies that generate tax deductions that they cannot apply, either because they do not generate profits at the moment and therefore do not pay Corporation Tax, or because they generate more tax incentives than they can absorb.
+ Hazibide
Seed Capital
Up to 120.000€
Innovative and newly created Alava company.
Innovative and newly created Alava company.
+ Agreement with Michelin Foundation
Investment loans and subsidy for employment generated
Up to 180.000 €
Companies located in Álava and Gipuzkoa
Companies located in Álava and Gipuzkoa
Financing phase (participative loan)
Up to 1.500.000 €
SMEs with an innovative / novel business model or with clear competitive advantages
SMEs with an innovative / novel business model or with clear competitive advantages
+ Aurrera
Loan for investment and working capital
Up to 250.000€
Newly created small and medium-sized companies (with a maximum of 3 years of antiquity from the beginning of its activity). that develop an entrepreneurial activity.
Newly created small and medium-sized companies (with a maximum of 3 years of antiquity from the beginning of its activity). that develop an entrepreneurial activity.
+ Basque Fondo (Tranche I)
Financing phase (equity participation and / or convertible loans)
Up to 400.000 €
New innovative Basque companies supported by the BICs in development and consolidation phases
New innovative Basque companies supported by the BICs in development and consolidation phases
+ Álava Innova – Digitaliza
Promote innovation and digitization
Up to 60.000€
Companies and Self-employed persons, whatever their legal configuration, with registered office and tax address in the Historical Territory of Álava or that have at least one activity center located in the Historical Territory of Álava and that on the date of submission of the application at least one year from its constitution or start of the activity.
Companies and Self-employed persons, whatever their legal configuration, with registered office and tax address in the Historical Territory of Álava or that have at least one activity center located in the Historical Territory of Álava and that on the date of submission of the application at least one year from its constitution or start of the activity.
Support for the creation and consolidation of new technology-based companies
Up to 325.000 €
Companies with less than 3 years whose business strategy is based on the development of technology, based on the creation of their own R&D lines.
Companies with less than 3 years whose business strategy is based on the development of technology, based on the creation of their own R&D lines.
+ Ekintzaile (Financing phase)
Financial grants for new business projects
Between 40.000€ and 180.000€
Companies of less than 2 years old with innovative industrial or related service activities that generate at least 3 jobs within 3 years.
Companies of less than 2 years old with innovative industrial or related service activities that generate at least 3 jobs within 3 years.
+ Industria Digitala
Grants to incorporate ITCs
Up to 23.000€
Companies based in Euskadi
Companies based in Euskadi
+ Industrial Cybersecurity
Grants to promote Industrial Cybersecurity
Up to 18.000 €
Industrial companies and companies of technical, design and logistics services, linked to the industrial product-process.
Industrial companies and companies of technical, design and logistics services, linked to the industrial product-process.
+ Gauzatu – Industria
Financing for investments
Up to 1.500.000€
Extractive, transforming, productive industrial SMEs, of technical services (linked to the product - process) related to the above and in the field of the information and communications society
Extractive, transforming, productive industrial SMEs, of technical services (linked to the product - process) related to the above and in the field of the information and communications society
+ Grants for circular economy
Gants for the development of circular economy projects
Up to 10.000€
Companies with up to 250 employees with registered office and tax address in the municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz
Companies with up to 250 employees with registered office and tax address in the municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz
+ Ekintzaile +
Non-refundable grant to support the expenses necessary to maximize the rapid growth of small businesses with high growth potential
Up to 100.000 €
Newly created companies (since January 1, 2021) with a center of activity in the Basque Country that need to finance key expenses to carry out the Business Plan: hiring of talented people, external technical advice, rentals, industrial property and promotion of the project .
Newly created companies (since January 1, 2021) with a center of activity in the Basque Country that need to finance key expenses to carry out the Business Plan: hiring of talented people, external technical advice, rentals, industrial property and promotion of the project .
+ Fast Track Innobideak
Grant to promote product and/or process innovation.
Industrial SMEs and services related to the industrial product-process located in the Basque Country
Industrial SMEs and services related to the industrial product-process located in the Basque Country
+ Basque Fondo (Tranche II)
Growth phase (equity participation and / or convertible loans)
Up to 400.000 €
New innovative Basque companies supported by the BICs in development and consolidation phases
New innovative Basque companies supported by the BICs in development and consolidation phases
+ Misiones Ciencia e Innovación
Helps precompetitive research projects in cooperation
Subsidy up to the maximum intensity limits: 65% Large Company, 75% Medium Company and 80% Small Company.
Groups of large companies or groups of SMEs
Groups of large companies or groups of SMEs
+ Álava InterKOOP
Financing for internationalization
Up to 60.000€
SMEs whatever their legal configuration, with registered and fiscal domicile in the Historic Territory of Álava, with a production or service center located in the Historic Territory of Álava and with a minimum age of one year, considered from the date of its constitution to the one of presentation of the application.
SMEs whatever their legal configuration, with registered and fiscal domicile in the Historic Territory of Álava, with a production or service center located in the Historic Territory of Álava and with a minimum age of one year, considered from the date of its constitution to the one of presentation of the application.
+ Zabaldu
Financing for internationalization
Up to 45.000€
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises established or with production facilities in the CAPV that have been established prior to the current call, whose export does not exceed 50% of its total turnover in the last year.
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises established or with production facilities in the CAPV that have been established prior to the current call, whose export does not exceed 50% of its total turnover in the last year.
+ Sakondu
Financing for internationalization
Up to 45.000€
Already internationalized Basque SMEs that wish to consolidate their international strategy Export activity greater than 50% of their total turnover and who wish to improve their competitive position in markets whose turnover is less than 10% of the total exported last year.
Already internationalized Basque SMEs that wish to consolidate their international strategy Export activity greater than 50% of their total turnover and who wish to improve their competitive position in markets whose turnover is less than 10% of the total exported last year.
+ Innovation Fund
Funding for innovation projects
Up to 600.000€
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of the Autonomous Community of Euskadi, that develop an innovative activity, using financing in the production or development of new or substantially improved products, processes or services that are innovative and where there is a risk of failure technological or industrial.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of the Autonomous Community of Euskadi, that develop an innovative activity, using financing in the production or development of new or substantially improved products, processes or services that are innovative and where there is a risk of failure technological or industrial.
+ Barnekintzaile
Development grants
Up to €30,000 non-refundable grant and loans of between €40,000 and €180,000
Micro-companies, SMEs and large industrial companies or related services.
Micro-companies, SMEs and large industrial companies or related services.