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Basquerville Festibala 2024

palacio de villasuso

Design & Tech | Festival vasco de diseño gráfico y tecnología Basquerville es un evento para impulsar la innovación empresarial desde el diseño y la tecnología mediante conferencias de primer nivel, workshops especializados y mucho networking. Una experiencia inspiracional que aportará conocimiento avanzado para la práctica profesional. El palacio renacentista de Villa Suso, en pleno casco histórico de Vitoria-Gasteiz, se convierte durante tres días en el marco perfecto para descubrir nuevos talentos y conectar con [...]

Basquerville Festibala 2024

palacio de villasuso

Design & Tech | Festival vasco de diseño gráfico y tecnología Basquerville es un evento para impulsar la innovación empresarial desde el diseño y la tecnología mediante conferencias de primer nivel, workshops especializados y mucho networking. Una experiencia inspiracional que aportará conocimiento avanzado para la práctica profesional. El palacio renacentista de Villa Suso, en pleno casco histórico de Vitoria-Gasteiz, se convierte durante tres días en el marco perfecto para descubrir nuevos talentos y conectar con [...]

Innoekin Sales training workshop for Entrepreneurs (Who are NOT selling yet)

BIC Araba

Our Intensive Sales Workshop for Startups and Entrepreneurs is designed specifically for you. In just 4 hours, you will learn foolproof techniques to identify and qualify prospects, prepare effective interviews with clients, and discover their real needs. Plus, we'll teach you how to create irresistible sales proposals and present them with confidence. Best of all, you will participate in a dynamic sales theater where you can put what you learn into practice in real situations [...]

INIZIA Conference on Circular Economy

UPV | EHU Inizia

This event aims to transfer environment to the concept of circular economy. It is part of the INIZIA program, promoted by the Álava Center for Business and Innovation (BIC ARABA) and the UPV/EHU Campus based on entrepreneurship. It also has the collaboration of the Department, which is Economic Promotion, Employment, Trade and Tourism and the Department of Model City, Urbanism, Housing, Cleaning and Environment of the Municipality of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Programme:  Block 1: Entrepreneurship and [...]

Entrepreneurship workshop Inizia Ekin 2024

UPV | EHU Inizia

Does my business IDEA make sense? Can our RESEARCH results have market? Can my DEGREE/MASTER PROJECT become a company? Description INIZIA EKIN is the entrepreneurship workshop organized by INIZIA Arabacampus that aims to bring together in a practical way the different groups of the university community (students, graduates, teachers, research staff, etc.) the key skills for The European Commission has a role to play in this field. The INIZIA EKIN workshop combines group sessions [...]

Aids for R & D and innovation (Hazitek, Fast Track, 64bis, EIC)

BIC Araba

Seeing the interest and the consultations received on these instruments, we have organized a new face-to-face workshop on 11 November, to explain and resolve doubts about these programs in view of the calls for 2025. The programme is as follows: 10:00-10:40h: HAZITEK by Amaia Martínez, program manager at SPRI. The programme aims to support the implementation of industrial research or experimental development projects, both competitive and strategic in the business sector of the Autonomous [...]

Games Academy: Crea tu videojuego desde 0 (Roblox)


Descubre el emocionante mundo de la creación de minijuegos en nuestro taller especializado. Utilizando la poderosa herramienta Roblox Studio, aprenderemos a recrear el popular TNT Run de Minecraft. Exploraremos la construcción de entornos virtuales, implementaremos mecánicas de juego emocionantes y agregaremos toques únicos a nuestro juego. ¡Embárcate en esta experiencia práctica y divertida para transformar ideas en acción, inspiradas por la creatividad de Minecraft! Formador: Haimar Arregui