Development grants

Misiones Ciencia e Innovación


Helps precompetitive research projects in cooperation

Subsidy up to the maximum intensity limits: 65% Large Company, 75% Medium Company and 80% Small Company.

Groups of large companies or groups of SMEs


Support for cooperative precompetitive research projects, led by companies, to achieve:

  • A relevant research that proposes solutions to transversal and strategic challenges of Spanish society.
  • Improve the knowledge and technology base on which Spanish companies rely to compete.
  • Stimulate public-private cooperation.

The nine missions identified in this call are:

  • Promote the Spanish agriculture of the 21st century: sustainable, intelligent, efficient in the consumption of water resources and agricultural inputs and adapted to climate change.
  • Promote safe, efficient and clean energy for the 21st century.
  • Promote Spanish industry in the industrial revolution of the XXI century.
  • Boosting the circular economy through new technologies for recycling and recovery of polymeric waste in Spain.
  • Promotion of information security, privacy and cybersecurity in the 21st century Spanish economy and society.
  • Promote sustainable and intelligent intermodal transport.
  • Promote the development of tourism by exploiting the possibilities of technology.
  • Promote the advancement and technological training of the Spanish biopharmaceutical industry to promote R&D actions in the field of advanced therapies, vaccines and targeted therapies.Boost for high-performance computing.

Beneficiaries and amounts

Groupings of companies of two categories:

  • “Large Companies” Missions: Group made up of between 3 and 8 companies, at least two of them autonomous. The grouping must be led by a large company and have an SME.
    • Minimum eligible budget of 5,000,000 euros and maximum of 10,000,000.
    • Minimum eligible budget per company of 175,000 euros.
    • The last annuity must represent at least 20% of the eligible budget.
    • Duration of between 3 and 4 years, starting in 2021.
    • Minimum industrial research of 60% of the eligible budget.
    • Subcontracting with Knowledge Generating Centers of at least 20% of the eligible budget.
  • Missions “PYMES”: Group made up of between 3 and 6 companies, at least two of them autonomous. All must be SMEs, led by a Medium Company.
    • Minimum eligible budget of 1,500,000 euros and maximum of 3,000,000.
    • Minimum eligible budget per company of 175,000 euros.
    • The last annuity must represent at least 20% of the eligible budget.
    • Duration of between 2 and 3 years, starting in 2021.
    • Minimum industrial research of 35% of the eligible budget.
    • Subcontracting with Knowledge Generating Centers of at least 15% of the eligible budget.

Eligible expenses

  • For each of the nine proposed “Science and Innovation Missions” there are specific areas for improvement that limit the proposed global challenge.
  • Projects must set objectives aimed at solving one or more of these areas for improvement, being able to set additional complementary objectives, provided they are consistent with the selected mission.
  • The company must establish three quantitative indicators that reflect the general results of the project objectives. The degree of compliance with these three indicators will modulate the amount of aid finally received.
  • The following direct execution costs are allowed: personnel costs, inventory costs for instruments and material, contractual research costs, technical knowledge and patents acquired at market prices, general expenses and additional operating expenses that derive directly from the project and the expense of the auditor’s report.
  • The overall cost of the subcontracted activity per beneficiary may not exceed 50% of the eligible budget of said beneficiary.

Deadline for application

Closed (Open until September 6, 2023)


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