Viability grants

Grants for the creation and consolidation of companies in Vitoria-Gasteiz


Projects and investments of newly created companies

Up to 8.000€

Private companies: small companies, whatever their legal form, that carry out a lucrative activity located in Vitoria - Gasteiz.


Within the framework of this call, the execution of projects and investments made by newly created companies (registration with IAE after July 1, 2019) will be the object of aid.


Private companies: small companies, whatever their legal form that carry out a lucrative activity located in Vitoria – Gasteiz.


Up to 40% of eligible expenses. The maximum grant awarded per beneficiary company and year will be € 8,000.

Eligible expenses

– Incorporation expenses: registration, notary for the deed of incorporation of the company and drafting of statutes, partners’ agreement, consultancy, technical projects to obtain a municipal activity license.

– Start-up expenses: market studies and project viability, patent application and trademark registration, corporate and web image design, design and manufacture of prototypes.

– Investments in elements of new fixed assets necessary for the creation of the company: specific technical installations for the eligible activity, machinery and other equipment goods linked to the project, tools, furniture, computer equipment, intangible assets (industrial property, computer applications) .

Deadline for application

Closed (Opened from May 15 to June 28, 2024)


More information

+34 945298282

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