Financing grants

Fast Track Innobideak


Grant to promote product and/or process innovation.


Industrial SMEs and services related to the industrial product-process located in the Basque Country


Grant to promote product and/or process innovation.

Intended for

Industrial SMEs and services related to the industrial product-process located in the Basque Country


Companies can opt for a grant of up to €250,000.00 per beneficiary and call.

Eligible expenses

Line 1, the execution of projects in the areas of specialization framed in the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan of Euskadi 2030 ( web01-a2pcti30/es/) under any of the following typologies:

I.– Development in high TRL (TRL between 7-9) for product and production process. Projects that include demonstration activities, pilot development, testing and validation of new or significantly improved products, processes or services, in environments representative of real operating conditions, up to testing and demonstration of a complete and certified system in a real environment.

II.– Incorporation of technologies into the product and production process. Projects for the acceptance, integration and use of one or several technological solutions that contribute to the creation of new/significantly improved products and/or production processes.

III.– Incorporation of methodologies in business processes. Projects for the acceptance, integration and use of new methods or new uses or combinations of existing methods, resulting in the implementation of new/significantly improved processes.

IV.– In business models. Projects aimed at the design and implementation of new business models that allow the creation and improvement of the main products and services that the company sells, currently or in the future, to achieve its strategic goals and objectives.

Line 2, the execution of key complementary actions to promote innovation under any of the following typologies, as defined in article 2:

I. – Advanced management- KUDEABIDE.

II.– Protection and valorization of R&D&i.

III.– Internationalization of R&D&i.

Deadline for application

Closed (Opened until May 31, 2024)

Normative (Spanish):

More information

+34 945298282

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