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Does my business IDEA make sense? Can our RESEARCH results have market? Can my DEGREE/MASTER PROJECT become a company?


INIZIA EKIN is the entrepreneurship workshop organized by INIZIA Arabacampus that aims to bring together in a practical way the different groups of the university community (students, graduates, teachers, research staff, etc.) the key skills for The European Commission has a role to play in this field.

The INIZIA EKIN workshop combines group sessions and individualized tutoring for the development of skills related to entrepreneurship through a methodology that supports the process of reflection and construction of projects that allows knowing what is an enterprise, Share ideas with other entrepreneurs and get to know other entrepreneurs first hand. In the tutoring, we work on developing ideas, with the individual support of a/a professional tutor who guides and accompanies the process of developing a business idea.


Training of participants in methods and techniques of business management. The main objective is to share with the promoters tools and management methods at their disposal and, as a result, make their projects more competitive, both in the conception and design phase during the workshop and in their subsequent development as a company.


5 November
15:30 - 19:30
Event Category: