3 October, 2024

Grant to promote business intrapreneurship

The Intrapreneurship Initiative, promoted by the Basque Government and SPRI, with the support of BIC Araba in the case of Álava, is designed to help companies develop new businesses and diversify into activities, products and services. innovative.

To this end, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Álava accompanies companies in the development of a plan to generate new businesses that allows them to discover, analyze and prioritize possible opportunities for new economic activities.

After the identification and analysis of a possible business opportunity, the company can apply to the Line of financial grant available for support in the process of maturing the idea and defining a Business Plan that allows its implementation, through the Barnekintzaile grant from SPRI.

The support, at no cost to the company, is carried out over three mornings of work, in a context of confidentiality.

More information about support through maitane@bicaraba.eus 945298282