10 September, 2024

Interview with Pablo Giménez of VAM APP

Interview VAM APP

Today we have the pleasure of interviewing Pablo Giménez, CEO and co-founder of VAM APP, the application that unites all the cultural agenda of Euskadi

-To start with, Pablo, what made you start VAM?

Dreaming a lot, sleeping little and having been in the culture and leisure sector for more than 20 years, which showed me that a tool like this was necessary.

– What obstacles did you face when starting out and how did you overcome them? / How do you put out the unexpected fires that are coming?

I am a cultural manager, but I am neither very cultured, nor very smart, nor learning too fast and with Vam had no idea of technology although I always believed that it is one of the sectors that most needs to be integrated into this technological tsunami. My greatest challenge was and is to be at the level of the great professionals with whom I team. The only way to overcome my limitations and that the team understands them is studying twice, working three times and thanking many more times for the patience they have with this cultureta older gentleman.

– Talk about VAM, what is its mission and vision?

It is an app so you do not use apps, to go out on the street to live life in rigorous direct, but I don’t want to be the one who speaks well of Vam App, you have to be you but when downloading please think about these three premises:

1) Does it solve a problem?

2) Do you think that problem solves a better society?

) Could your grandmother use it? Or, putting it another way, does she leave someone on the road?

I strongly believe that moving forward is important, but we only move forward when we move towards people and leave no one behind.

– What strategies do you use to stay motivated during difficult times?

The same as any primate, I seek shelter in a safe area. I’m lucky to have the best partner in the world, when everything goes wrong we give each other a hug. I also have a loving family and great friends. In fact I have a psychologist named David Montero who still surprises me that he hasn’t blocked me and turned my emails into spam.

– What is the most valuable advice you have received as an entrepreneur in the creative cultural industry sector?

I don’t think there’s a difference between this sector, which has a bar, an app or a mega factory of things that look like science fiction, there is a tip that is worth to tod=s. The most important advice I have been given in the field of work is “No matter that your customers come to your product, the important thing is that when they finish using it they go content=s.

-What advice would you give someone who’s just starting out?

You are in Europe, probably white, hopefully not a man because there are too many, but if you are still you will have it easier, you have studies and probably have the certainty that you will have a plate of hot food. Take advantage of that luck and give him consistency and work! Minimize the details because the whole is more than the sum of parts, make a good business plan but do not think about money, think about reaching perfection of your goal, because if you get it the money will come alone and if it does not come you will be equally proud= of you and that is priceless. By the way, do not forget that if you are in the cultural sector, you can bring a lot of value, that will give you strength in the face of adversity.